“I must be a mermaid. I have no fear of depths and a great fear of shallow living.” –Anais Nin
I love this quote. Does it speak to you too? As a therapist, and as a highly sensitive person in the world, I tend to work and think in a deep way. If you do as well, we may be a good fit for each other.
By deep I mean we’ll talk about your emotional scars – painful things that have been done to you and that you’ve done to others. This way of talking can bring you to new levels of understanding so that you no longer have to make yourself wrong for the past. It’s a part of you and can give meaning to the life you now hope to create. Mostly, my work entails talk therapy. We’ll work to create enough safety between us so that meaningful trust develops over time. With this trust and safety, the more vulnerable parts of you can surface. What was once unconscious now rises so that it may be witnessed and metabolized.
Call me at 512.669.0395. You can also email me at