I tend to work in the Modern Psychoanalytic way, a core tenet of which is that group therapy provides an ideal climate to produce lasting, beneficial change for people. One reason for this is that, as your therapist, I get to see you in action. Instead of you reporting on a situation in your individual therapy, I get to see you struggling with a similar situation in real time. The real time quality of group work is the key. It allows me to intervene — slow you down, help you become more aware and clear, and then get help from the group.
But group work can be challenging. While you might be feeling relieved, another member might be frustrated. Group is the place where everyone is encouraged to explore what these feelings are, why they’re coming up, and the histories that inform them. Of course, this all happens over time.
Entering group can be intimidating for some so I tend to work in a slower, more methodical way in the group setting. If you’re interested in how group therapy could be helpful to you, I encourage you to call me. We can talk more about your questions and see if you might be a good fit for a group I lead.
Call me at 512.669.0395. You can also email me at