Contraction and expansion is the natural rhythm of life. We inhale and expand, we
exhale and contract. We wake and expand, we sleep and contract. We eat and
expand, we digest and contract. We exercise, work, think, write and expand, we
watch TV and contract.
This rhythm also occurs in relationship, at work, and inside ourselves. It’s a
natural rhythm. But our culture doesn’t often support that rhythm. It’s a go, go, go
culture. As the saying goes, “If you’ve got time to lean, you’ve got time to clean.”
So it’s worth asking what happens when we don’t take the necessary time our minds
and bodies need to contract? What happens in relationship when we don’t take
time-outs? What happens when we don’t take time for self-care in the form of
massage, yoga, meditation, or a meditative walk in nature? What happens when all
we ever do is go, go, go? I think you know where I’m headed here – it ends up badly,
often disastrously so.
If human beings weren’t meant to sleep, if we weren’t meant to contract, we
would’ve been built that way. But we weren’t! We were built – that is we require –
downtime. You can hate it. You can believe it’s a waste of your time. But your belief
doesn’t change the facts. Downtime enables you to be a better partner, a better
parent, a better worker – all around more successful and happier in your life.
What can you do today to allow this natural cycle in your life? How can you allow
more room for downtime? More room for contraction?
If you’re interested in learning more, call me at 512.669.0395.
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